"We sing the mighty power of God,
That made the mountains rise,
That spread the flowing seas abroad,
and built the lofty skies,
We sing the wisdom that ordained
The sun to rule the day.
The moon shines full at His command,
And all the stars obey."
I was singing that beautiful hymn in my mind this morning, while I listened to the wind barrel and scream through my neighbourhood. I woke peacefully before my alarm this morning, and just relaxed in bed, listening to the "Mighty Power" and thought of the strength of Our Lord, of His mercy and quiet Peace. Then there was a sudden BUMP! I ignored it. How He can make the great winds, and the slight rustling breeze in the summer, and the huge snow storms that the Northern hemisphere has received this last week. We in Southern Ontario are now experiencing a fast melt, and this morning, high winds. Who knows what Our Mighty Lord has planned for next week!
My oldest son and his family came in from out of town on Christmas Eve, and had to leave after a too short time!! Still, I got to play a duet on the piano with my granddaughter, Izzie! Who knew "O Little Town Of Bethlehem" had such an intricate bass? Still, we had a wonderful time opening presents, and just playing and visiting. My joys and blessings abound this year, and I am grateful for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me.
My mind goes to a friend and his wife on the other side of the world, who are suffering the sudden loss of their only daughter. Better times will come, and I know they cannot see it now. I have some other friends who have lost their children, to disease and accident, and it doesn't matter how it happens, we all know children should outlive their parents! One of my girlfriends, who lost her son to a car accident eight years ago, came to my house last evening, after visiting the cemetery; her son's grave had sunk, and the marker was now under water due to the fast melt, she was heartsick. She said she felt like it just happened, and her son had just died. Feelings come and go, but I know, she knows, God will continue to comfort her.
I pray I never know that pain, but I know that whatever happens in my life; God will be there to hold and comfort me. He has been the only constant in my life, and will continue to be there for me. Even when He is silent, He is there!
I hope and pray that you all had a Blessed Christmas, and will have a wonderful, God Filled New Year!
P. S. :The BUMP was my garbage can which blew over in the wind! No big deal, in comparison
to what it might have been!