Paul opted not to play in the back with Tom, since he shovelled the front walk, so I went myself to encourage our little Puggle, to run around for a while! He spent most of the time sniffing and digging through the snow to find his old stuff, he never did find his his favorite piece of wood to chew, or his ball for me to throw! With time to write this morning, I got thinking about my friends, family, and neighbours. I just looked outside, and my neighbour's daughter just re-shovelled my front walk a few minutes ago, that will help Paul with his with job later!
That's the thing about good neighbours, we help each other, when Paul was out, he did her front walk. I think when we walk through our life, not run, we will find love and friendship, if we look for the good in people that's what we will find. I'm not advocating burying your head in the sand, I'm all for keeping your eyes wide open, but still; open your heart for new and rewarding experiences.
I have a long-time favorite poem, which I think is safe to print, since the author is unknown to me:
Seed Thoughts
The mind is a garden where thought flowers grow,
The thoughts that we think are the seeds that we sow:We must watch what we think the livelong day,
And pull out the weed thoughts and throw them away;
And plant loving seed thoughts so thick in a row,
There will be no room for weed thoughts to grow.
Now that I've planted this poem in my mind, should
I start thinking about my spring gardening??? What to do; last year was such a bad year in my garden, maybe this year's weather will be better for it? What to do???
Have a great day,