This spring I have been so busy with work, keeping track of World Cup Soccer, and my garden, I have hardly had time to turn around! At least this summer has been hot and wet, and my garden is doing very well so far.
When it came time to plant my seeds for snow peas, yellow beans, and Swiss Chard, I was well supervised by my two trusty helpers, my son Paul, and our dog, Thomas. Tom can only reach one corner of the garden on his chain, the corner he can reach is near when I have planted the snow peas. As I was planting them I put down the package of seeds, and ZOOP! He grabbed them and took off down the grass, shaking them all the way! I wonder if it's the pug or the beagle in him that makes him so fast? At least I got some planted, but there are no seeds left for a second harvest. I have always had an interesting array of green things growing in my grass; maybe if I didn't cut it I would get more snow peas?
This past weekend, I tackled the big job of trimming the several Rose of Sharon trees at the side of my lot, between my house and my neighbour's, we like the sound barrier and the privacy. The trees are about twenty years old, and occasionally I have to trim them away from my house. Well, to our dog, they were just a new toy!
He helped me move the large branches in the back yard for trimming mostly because it was his choice. When it came to the cutting up and putting them in boxes so our Public Works department in the city would take them away on 'pick-up day'; Thomas decided to take them OUT OF THE BOX for further playing! He loves to chew wood, to the point where my friend Maggie, calls him The Beaver. His favorite is the dead wood, maybe because it falls apart better.
Hope your summer is going well, and have a great day!