This is the time of year that most of my clients are thinking about what their Christmas will 'look like'. Many have not much family left, and others, their plans are not confirmed as yet; several have to think about travel, and nothing is really cemented until we see what the weather will be like! It's funny how each family works differently. I have had clients who's family will gather all around them, sometimes bumping into each other to help out, while others are left alone for the holidays and sometimes are not even visited until quite a while later.
As for me, I will not start decorating until December, I usually start thinking about now, and decide what I will do with the house, and what I will do for presents at Christmas time. As usual, I will buy some and make others, I started making some presents last summer, and as usual, I usually have a "jump" on presents by this time of the year. Hope you enjoy the pictures!