Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Spring Has Sprung!

Well, what do you know? After a frustrating night, watching the political debate, and feeling depressed about our 'leadership', I went to sleep last night with a headache looming. Several times while they skirted around the questions put to them from our citizens, and interjecting their own agendas; I wanted to yell to the TV: "Please.... answer the question that was put to you!!!!"

This morning, with a more clear mind, I went outside in the front, and there they were! My daffodils! In bloom! There is hope for this country yet! In the midst of all the strife and natural disasters in this world today, God is here, and He is alive, and well and performing miracles here in front of me! God is in charge of this world, not really the people who think they are. God is in charge of all the outcomes, in every detail of our lives. When we trust Him, each of us will overcome in His time, and within His Plan.

For the last few months, against my plans for each retirement day, I have been keeping an eye on the news. The strife in the Mid East, and later the earthquakes in New Zealand and Japan, followed by the Nuclear disaster. It just seems it has been one thing after the other, and even running into each other.

In the midst of these troubled times, the Canadian Parliment decided to hold an election! Our minority government was defeated by the opposing parties. Now if you ask our Prime Minister, they were defeated on the budget, but in actuality, the other parties voted non confidence because of the Speaker of the House's decision that the Conservative Party was in contempt of Parliment. (There were three incidents that precipitated this decision). That the Prime Minister has chosen to ignore this detail, is beyond me; well, not really beyond me; it doesn't look good if you put yourself in the position of defending illegalities. Back to last night's debate, there was lively discussion, but no new insights into the four parties involved, or the four leaders of each party. After hearing the four choices last night, I am thinking about the one who was NOT included, maybe the Green Party should get a chance? We do have a representative in my riding.

I think my day today should be spent in my garden, it's warm enough, and needs my help. More importantly, I think I just might have some positive influence in that direction today, and I will feel like I have accomplished something at the end of the day! Unlike my influence on the government. When the vegetables are planted, in the next month or so, I will try my hand at Snow Peas again, although my one particular 'Garden Helper', will NOT be able to reach the seeds! The few Snow Peas I got last summer were great!

As far as scrappbooking goes, I have not started, although I have been drawing.

Have a Great Day!
