When my sister and I were young, for a couple of weeks in the summer, we used to visit relatives in rural Ontario. We found it a pleasant diversion from city life; but in retrospective, I now realize it was invaluable for an educated and well-rounded personality. There is no better teacher than life experience.
I was thrilled to see this picture of my granddaughter and two of her cousins looking at her maternal grandfather's horses. I know they have other relatives who live in rural areas, and when I think of this, I remember those wonderful fun-filled days of my youth visiting the farms of relatives. Even when we were asked to do little chores, since the jobs were not a part of our everyday life, we didn't look at them as work.
I think every 'city kid' should have the opportunity to visit a farm at least once while growing up. There is not only the education of seeing where our meat and grains actually come from, and learning how to relate and take care of farm animals, but there is the more subtle knowledge that not everyone lives in the city, where the stores are 'down the street', or only a five minute drive away. They learn butter is churned, bread can be made in your own kitchen, and fruit and vegetables can be preserved for the winter. I learned not to be afraid to ask questions, to open my mind to new ideas and a different way of doing things. I also learned about patience, planning ahead, and working toward a goal.
Wow! All this from this delightful picture of three little girls, watching Grandpa's horses!
Have a great day!