In my life, God has blessed me twice with healthy baby boys. My first born, Bob, has grown from a boisterous, mischievous, and fun-loving little boy, to a mature, loving and devoted husband and father. He and his wife have two little girls, aged 2 & 6 years. My second born son, Paul, while seemingly, normal when born, was diagnosed as autistic at 3 1/2 years old in 1982.
When I first sought help for him, before his diagnosis, his vocalizations were in a growling voice, he was terrified of loud noises (vacuum cleaner, street cleaners, blender), running water (shower, toilet flushing), and he had different perseverations (spinning, drumming, staring into nothing). Paul's early years were filled with visits to doctors, and agencies, and filling out forms; and even now, surveys for gathering early and follow-up data on autism. The professional help we received assisted us with learning different behaviour modification techniques.
Bob reading to Paul, the day he came home from the hospital. |

Our family's favorite behaviour modification technique was one for helping Paul control his fear of loud noises. Bob would keep Paul occupied in their room playing with cars or other toys, while I went in the kitchen and made milk shakes with the blender. After several times Paul associated the noise with something good, and started leading me by the hand to the blender, then running to their room! Bob continued to be my biggest helper with his brother, throughout their developing years. Sometimes, there were harrowing experiences, such as when Paul collapsed screaming and shaking in the middle of a major road on the way to a store, because he heard a transport trailer. Another time was when he collapsed in a fit of uncontrollable laughter when there was a minor fire from a short circuit in the house. After many years of consistent hard work, speech and behaviour therapy, prayer, and many failures and triumphs we have come far with Paul, and as a family.
Bob and Paul in a local park. |
I thank God for my two sons every day. They are both in a good place in their lives, and have both triumphed over life's trials and tribulations so far. Both my sons are blessed with a beautiful singing voice, and both enjoy raising their voice in song to Our Lord in church. Both my sons are very special gifts from God, and are a blessing for me. They are kind, loving and sweet-spirited men.
Thank you God, for the very special and precious gifts you have entrusted to my care.
Monday, April 2, 2012 is Autism Awareness Day, please wear some BLUE and say why!
Have a great day,