Here's me at the cove in Olde Sandwich Towne, you can see Detroit in the background. |
I'm going to talk a little about my book, Under the North Star - the Underground Railroad in Olde Sandwich Towne.
I really don't know the name of this cove, but in my book I call it Berry's Cove.
Here it is, it's located on Russell Street, just west of Mill Street in Sandwich Towne in West Windsor. I used to spend lots of time here thinking about how the story in my book would develop. I still do come here, it's a good quiet place to think and read, and just wander. While thinking about my story, I thought it seemed to be a good spot for the refugees from slavery to arrive on Canadian soil.
Here it is in the summertime. |
In my research, I learned that along the coast of the Detroit River the residents, black, white and First Nations, all helped the people who landed here. I wanted my story to reflect that also. I also learned that there were those who were against the welcoming of the refugees, and they actively worked to help the Southern landowners from The United States.
I hope you get a chance to read my story!
You can get it by e-book or soft or hard cover at Amazon or cheaper at the publisher:
Have a great day!
Phoebe Brown