Sunday, June 12, 2016

Spring Garden

Rose of Sharon
 Spring gardens are fun, but take some work. I like to sit back and enjoy the view, but if the view needs work....not so much fun. More often than not, even after I've been weeding and pruning, I sit down to relax, and only see the work that still needs doing.

I used to have a vegetable garden, but I am older now, and cannot do the digging and extra planting every year. Now I keep mostly perennial flower gardens. Less digging, and some hoeing, weeding & pruning. I still keep the rhubarb, and some perennial herbs; mint, & chives.

Mostly, I enjoy the thrill of seeing the sleeping plants from last year spring up again after the long winter - all spring and summer I enjoy the show! I first see the Daffodils and Crocus, then the Thistles, Lilies of the Valley and the beginnings of the 'Hens & Chickens', then the Tiger Lilies, and Rose of Sharon, the thrills of the gardens just keep coming! The Tom Dog likes to 'help' by mostly sniffing the growing stuff. Paul & his worker sometimes do a little work also.

There are several Rose of Sharon trees at the side of my yard. These take the most work; they have a tendency to propagate, and must be kept under control. As most of my perennials, if left to themselves, I would be overrun with them! Pruning, and digging out extra plants is a full time job here. My Rose of Sharon are pink, white, and mauve. I also have a Clematis vine at the front of my house. My Rose of Sharon are all leafed out now, and I am awaiting the blooms.
The Tom Dog, sniffing stuff.

The Tom Dog is a big help with moving branches.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful spring!

Have a great day! 
Phoebe Brown.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Quiet Tea Time

This is what happens if I try to have biscuits with my tea!

I love my Tom Dog; but he is really a demanding soul. Without a word, he will let you know all the shortcomings of life with Paul and me. As evidence above, we stoutly refuse to share chocolate. He doesn't believe us when we tell him puppies can't eat chocolate. By the way, he will soon be eight years old, but I can't bring myself to refer to him as the dog, he will always be my Puppy Dog.

The Puppy Dog does NOT like it when we have to leave.
 Five days a week, Paul leaves the house. Tom Dog prefers he stays home. Life is good for The Tom Dog, when we are both at home and paying attention to him.

 When we can't bring him with us, he must stay in his "den". He has severe separation anxiety, and the den is the safest place for him to be. But - he cries, and frets until our return. As soon as we start collecting coats, etc. he goes into his den and starts making us feel guilty - how DARE we leave without him!

Life is good when Tom Dog is involved.

Then there's my quiet tea time!

Usually, after Paul has gone for the day, and I have a quiet time before I start my day, I like to relax with my tea. Recently, I took this time to begin gathering my thoughts and ideas for my new book. It was shortly after Christmas, and I had some shortbread left over, so I added a few pieces with my tea.

I don't dare turn my back!
Yes, I gave him a piece of shortbread, but if I turn my back, he will also drink my tea! Preparing meals is an adventure. He really believes the dog food in the bowl is for some other dog, not the one living with us. His face tells me I am wasting my money - the food I make for us, is for everyone, including him! He will plant himself under foot in the kitchen while I am cooking, just in case I change my mind and feed him a morsel.

I love this dog, as I have loved every dog we have had throughout my life. Every one has had their own special lovable quirks, and has made my, and my son's lives more interesting! That is a blessing. Thank you God for pets!

Have a Great day!

Phoebe Brown.