Sunday, June 12, 2016

Spring Garden

Rose of Sharon
 Spring gardens are fun, but take some work. I like to sit back and enjoy the view, but if the view needs work....not so much fun. More often than not, even after I've been weeding and pruning, I sit down to relax, and only see the work that still needs doing.

I used to have a vegetable garden, but I am older now, and cannot do the digging and extra planting every year. Now I keep mostly perennial flower gardens. Less digging, and some hoeing, weeding & pruning. I still keep the rhubarb, and some perennial herbs; mint, & chives.

Mostly, I enjoy the thrill of seeing the sleeping plants from last year spring up again after the long winter - all spring and summer I enjoy the show! I first see the Daffodils and Crocus, then the Thistles, Lilies of the Valley and the beginnings of the 'Hens & Chickens', then the Tiger Lilies, and Rose of Sharon, the thrills of the gardens just keep coming! The Tom Dog likes to 'help' by mostly sniffing the growing stuff. Paul & his worker sometimes do a little work also.

There are several Rose of Sharon trees at the side of my yard. These take the most work; they have a tendency to propagate, and must be kept under control. As most of my perennials, if left to themselves, I would be overrun with them! Pruning, and digging out extra plants is a full time job here. My Rose of Sharon are pink, white, and mauve. I also have a Clematis vine at the front of my house. My Rose of Sharon are all leafed out now, and I am awaiting the blooms.
The Tom Dog, sniffing stuff.

The Tom Dog is a big help with moving branches.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful spring!

Have a great day! 
Phoebe Brown.