Monday, March 16, 2009

Island Night In March!

I belong to a 'Prayer Connection'. We e-mail or phone in prayer requests to our coordinator, then she compiles the requests and e-mails the list to our members. The members with no Internet receive phone calls each morning by designated volunteers. There is a wonderful comfort knowing that so many people are all praying in concert with one another every day.

One of my favorite things about the prayer connection is, we are not all from just one church. We are Pentecostal, Baptist, and represent many other denominations and churches throughout Essex county. As a matter of fact, it is only the love for Our Lord and knowledge that our faithfulness in prayers, and further knowledge that those prayers are heard, and matter which keeps us on our knees.

Many of my friends who are not on 'the connection' will give me prayer requests, or I will take it upon myself to add names. It is that way with all the other members also, as a result, sometimes our lists get very long, especially lately with so much unemployment and financial hardship. As a dedicated prayer warrior, I know the time I put into this activity, is important, and I never shrink at spending more time with my Lord!

On this past Saturday evening we met for coffee/tea and dessert (which no one really needed). We don't meet in person often but is good to see the people we pray with every day. For this meeting, the organizers decided we needed a gathering with an Hawaiian Island theme. I think the plan had something to do with our snowy winter, but it was good to see the clear warm (for March) weather on our big night.

We were given flowers for around our neck (leas?), and a new name! Mine was Eawan, meaning Fair Radiance, well it's good someone thinks so! Of course the point of the evening was the visit; and uplifting, informative and positive-thinking speakers. There is nothing like visiting with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. There is always laughter, tears, and extra prayers.

My girlfriend and I decided it was a good thing we ate a decent supper before we went, otherwise, our diets would have been blown worse than they were! Just how many kinds of cheesecake are there? I think they had them all!

This gathering happened at a good time for me, I had a particularly 'sad news' week, and was feeling down. You know, God is so good. On the worse night, I opened my e-mail and it just kept downloading and downloading. When the mail came through there were two files full of pictures! One from my son Bob, who sent about ten pictures of Izzie (my granddaughter), and the other, was from the son of a good friend who passed suddenly last year. He sent several first year birthday pictures of his son! My friend missed seeing her only grandson by about six months, and the little guy looks so much like her! I could see her smile all over his little face!

My God is so good, and faithful, he gives me encouragement in the middle of my sorrows.

Have a blessed day!


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