As I have mentioned before, I work in the homes of, mostly elderly people, as a Personal Support Worker. At a nearby senior's apartment building where I visit three mornings a week, I regularly pass a group of about five to seven, elderly men in the front hallway, they move outside the main doorway in the warm dry weather. Each morning, they congregate to discuss local and world current events, building community events, and; of course along with other things, the weather.
Yesterday morning, they asked me about the temperature outside as I passed, "It's quite chilly this morning!" I told them. "See what I said," one chimed in,"we didn't have a decent summer this year, and now the winter weather is here!"; someone else added: "I didn't even get to turn my air conditioner on this year!"; another said: "I didn't even bother to put mine in!"; and my favorite, and by the way, he speaks for me: "I feel gypped, when the cold weather comes, and we didn't even get a decent summer!"
We, in the "Sun Parlor Of Canada" are used to a steady diet in the summer of tropical, warm to hot, humid weather for three to four months of the year, and tend to get a little cranky when we are asked to endure a cold Canadian winter, (even though it is not as severe in Essex County), when we haven't had a fix of HOT HOT weather! I fully understood their complaint; it echoes my own feelings, and many others all over the county this year. We want to know WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SUMMER??? If this the effect of global warming, where is the warm?
I visit that building tomorrow; should I tell them I saw ice in a dish that was outside on my back porch this morning? It calls for flurries on Thursday, that should be good for another HOT COMPLAINT TOPIC! So there's my news flash for today, winter weather is upon us, can Christmas decorations be far behind?
Have a great day,
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