Oh my! What to do after the person in the house has pushed me out the back door, to have me 'do my business' in the rain! My feet, face, and coat get all wet, (which I don't like), and I can't roll in the grass! At least, after a full towelling I can roll around on the furniture when I come in! It's not as much fun as when I help Phoebe with the gardening, I can chew on the extra branches, and run around with them until they are finished, I can help dig in the extra dirt which is all mine, and pea in the lavender and the groundcover, and the trees, I can run in the lilys, iris, hostas, and the 'hens and chickens'. She doesn't let me go near the 'vegetables' or the mint or other herbs, I like to bark at the neighbourhood cats, squirrels, birds and I 'talk' with the other dogs who live nearby. We compare our homes, and problems with the local cats.

Sometimes, when she really feels adventurous, we go for walks in the neighbourhood, the local pet store, or the park. The lady in the pet store thinks I am wonderful, which I know I am, I like it when she gives me extra treats to keep me busy while Phoebe talks to her. When it's raining for several days, it's hard to find things to do in the house, I seem to forget that I found things to do in the winter, and my toys don't seem to be as much fun as being outside in the summer. Maybe if I run around like a 'freaky pup' we will both get some excercise!
Thanks for the help today Tom!
Have a great day,
well,isn't Tom just the cutest dog you've ever seen? He's lucky to have such a good mom taking care of him and tending to his every need, ha. The soup you gave me was par excellent! just like my dear ole mom used to make and the biscuits, I put raspberry jam on them...oh a good supper I had, thank-you PHOEBE!
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