Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Hurtful Comments

Just what is it with the world anyway? Is it me or (and I hate to say this) but are people more cruel with their comments now than thirty (okay forty-five) years ago. Maybe I was just oblivious to what was going on around me when I was growing up. As I write this now, there are election campaigns going on in the United States, and Canada. The politicians on both sides of the border are guilty of this practice.

It seems people now think in order to make people choose one, he/she feels the opponent must be humiliated, undermined, and in some cases personally destroyed. I don't know why the opponents cannot just accentuate their own platform without making personal destructive comments. I am also concerned about how some prognosticators use dismissive comments toward their opponents. Just because the opponent is from a smaller party, it doesn't mean they cannot have great power if they are elected. We have seen that in Canada. Even more important in my view, not one human being should be dismissed as not important, in a democracy, every person, even in a minority party, has the right to be heard.

Why I have jumped on my soap box today; I had it brought to my attention that this practice has been filtering down to the general population. Where are our manners? How many people give seats in buses, or waiting rooms anymore? When you pass people on the streets, what kind of language do you hear in conversation? Are sales people, wait people, bus drivers, office workers polite to you? I find sometimes okay, sometimes not, and I will remember the not.

I am a 'people person', it is a part of my job to think of how the people around me are doing, and to help when I can. Maybe we should all think of others a little more, before we run off at the mouth, make a gesture, or, dismiss an old person who is a little slow walking, or having trouble getting on or off a bus.

Well, there's my blog for today, I hope my frustration didn't get you down, maybe I gave you a challenge for today! See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Isabel said...

Phoebe, your comments didn't get me down. They made a lot of sense. I too have noticed a change in people's attitudes, their demeanor, and the way they treat others. But I think it all gets back to self, because a person who respects and loves themselves, wouldn't treat other people like that!