I know it's Christmas Day, but this week has been nuts, and I have a quiet time now before everyone gets up! Wednesday, December 23, 2009, was Maggie's (!!) birthday, and also the day the Olympic Torch Run went through Essex County! It went right past Maggie's house!
Well, of course we HAD to celebrate! I left work early and Paul and I helped decorate the front of her house, and two of her husband's Mack trucks. The ground was too soft to put a flatbed across the front yard as they wanted, but it was just as well, because we had to go out closer to the road, and as far as I am concerned, it was more exciting!
Even though the party had to be at 3:00 p.m. when the torch passed, there was quite a few people out for the torch as well as our party! The big local celebration happened at 7:00 p.m.when the torch rested for the night in Windsor, but the runner, and all the procession knew when they passed Maggie's house in LaSalle, Ontario!!!
What a blessing for Maggie! How often would the Olympic Torch Run close enough to visit, let alone pass your house on your birthday! We were so excited, and loud, we were given little Olympic flags as souvenir's of the occasion. The Olympic Committee wanted everyone to wear as much red as possible, so as a result, I was given a metal commemorative bottle of Coke Zero, with the Olympic seal and dated for the 2010 Torch Run! So it was okay I dressed like a ketchup bottle!
I had to take this picture of Maggie for her special birthday! We were ready outside in plenty of time to see the procession. The crowd was just starting to gather when we came out to wait. They came by with big trucks, A Coke truck, an Olympic Committee truck, lots of police, LaSalle, and the Mounties, some of whom ran along with the official runner for extra security. There was also a bus for the runners to wait their turn, and of course ambulance etc. LaSalle even brought out their antique police car for the occasion! I tried to get a picture of it, but when I pressed the shutter, I accidentally pressed the off switch instead!
That's just life!
Hope and pray that your Christmas holiday is a blessed, and exciting one.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Morning Meeting Of The Minds
As I have mentioned before, I work in the homes of, mostly elderly people, as a Personal Support Worker. At a nearby senior's apartment building where I visit three mornings a week, I regularly pass a group of about five to seven, elderly men in the front hallway, they move outside the main doorway in the warm dry weather. Each morning, they congregate to discuss local and world current events, building community events, and; of course along with other things, the weather.
Yesterday morning, they asked me about the temperature outside as I passed, "It's quite chilly this morning!" I told them. "See what I said," one chimed in,"we didn't have a decent summer this year, and now the winter weather is here!"; someone else added: "I didn't even get to turn my air conditioner on this year!"; another said: "I didn't even bother to put mine in!"; and my favorite, and by the way, he speaks for me: "I feel gypped, when the cold weather comes, and we didn't even get a decent summer!"
We, in the "Sun Parlor Of Canada" are used to a steady diet in the summer of tropical, warm to hot, humid weather for three to four months of the year, and tend to get a little cranky when we are asked to endure a cold Canadian winter, (even though it is not as severe in Essex County), when we haven't had a fix of HOT HOT weather! I fully understood their complaint; it echoes my own feelings, and many others all over the county this year. We want to know WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SUMMER??? If this the effect of global warming, where is the warm?
I visit that building tomorrow; should I tell them I saw ice in a dish that was outside on my back porch this morning? It calls for flurries on Thursday, that should be good for another HOT COMPLAINT TOPIC! So there's my news flash for today, winter weather is upon us, can Christmas decorations be far behind?
Have a great day,
Yesterday morning, they asked me about the temperature outside as I passed, "It's quite chilly this morning!" I told them. "See what I said," one chimed in,"we didn't have a decent summer this year, and now the winter weather is here!"; someone else added: "I didn't even get to turn my air conditioner on this year!"; another said: "I didn't even bother to put mine in!"; and my favorite, and by the way, he speaks for me: "I feel gypped, when the cold weather comes, and we didn't even get a decent summer!"
We, in the "Sun Parlor Of Canada" are used to a steady diet in the summer of tropical, warm to hot, humid weather for three to four months of the year, and tend to get a little cranky when we are asked to endure a cold Canadian winter, (even though it is not as severe in Essex County), when we haven't had a fix of HOT HOT weather! I fully understood their complaint; it echoes my own feelings, and many others all over the county this year. We want to know WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR SUMMER??? If this the effect of global warming, where is the warm?
I visit that building tomorrow; should I tell them I saw ice in a dish that was outside on my back porch this morning? It calls for flurries on Thursday, that should be good for another HOT COMPLAINT TOPIC! So there's my news flash for today, winter weather is upon us, can Christmas decorations be far behind?
Have a great day,
Monday, November 9, 2009

When you think about it, the whole first year of life, when communication is rudimentary at best, is not just frustrating for we, the parents, but can you think about how it is for the baby? The questions alone are mind boggling! "Who ARE these people?" "I recognize the voices, but, so THAT is what they look like!" "What do I look like?" "Who is that little person who keeps kissing me?" (Izzie)
The baby discovers what it is like to be cold, hot, hungry, uncomfortable, sleepy; and the parents learn the different cry's. A time of learning and discovery for everyone!
As some of you know, I use 'pen names' for me and my family, well dear "new addition" I dub you "Feather" for the purpose of this, your loving paternal grandmother's blog.
May all the necessary trials of your life be light and airy.
Have a Great day!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Do You Have A Round Tuit?
There is much truth in the old saying "You are only as old as you think". Some people say "as you feel", but with arthritis starting to really kick in, I will stick with "think"! Today is my birthday, I am 62 years old today, but my mind is full of things I really have to get 'around to doing!'
I have a round sign on my fridge: A Round Tuit
I'm not talking about procrastination, although this sign is good for a laugh, and I still have a list of house jobs I have to get 'around to doing'; I'm talking about big things. Several trips I would like to take, more time to paint, some day I would like to write a book, (my oldest son is ahead of me with the book). I would like to have the time for long visits with my granddaughters. Izzie is just at the right age to teach several crafts, and she is so full of wonderment and excitement with life in general. Just so many things to do, My mind thinks I should be younger, maybe thirty, but both my sons are over thirty, maybe I should be a little older, but would I have the time to do everything?
My friend, Maggie and I have decided we won't have the time for many of these big things until we retire. But I say, will we have the health? There's one thing for sure, I won't be one of those people who are bored with my retirement! I don't even have time to be bored now!!!!!
Whenever your birthday is, have a great one, and don't ever run out of excitement and goals!
Have a great day,
I have a round sign on my fridge: A Round Tuit
"This is a Tuit. Guard it with your life as Tuits are hard to come by, especially the round ones.
This is an indispensable item. It will help you develop a Service Culture.
For years you have heard people say, "I'll do it as soon as I get a
Round Tuit." Now that you have one, you can accomplish all those
things that you've put aside 'til you got a
Round Tuit."
I'm not talking about procrastination, although this sign is good for a laugh, and I still have a list of house jobs I have to get 'around to doing'; I'm talking about big things. Several trips I would like to take, more time to paint, some day I would like to write a book, (my oldest son is ahead of me with the book). I would like to have the time for long visits with my granddaughters. Izzie is just at the right age to teach several crafts, and she is so full of wonderment and excitement with life in general. Just so many things to do, My mind thinks I should be younger, maybe thirty, but both my sons are over thirty, maybe I should be a little older, but would I have the time to do everything?
My friend, Maggie and I have decided we won't have the time for many of these big things until we retire. But I say, will we have the health? There's one thing for sure, I won't be one of those people who are bored with my retirement! I don't even have time to be bored now!!!!!
Whenever your birthday is, have a great one, and don't ever run out of excitement and goals!
Have a great day,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Overflowing Love
On Monday, October 19, the miracle of birth happened again in our family! The new addition, is another girl, personally, I think she should have waited to be born on her grandmother's birthday (mine), but she is healthy, and welcomed in to the family with open arms! Big sister, Izzie, is very protective, and dutifully helping as much as she is allowed.
As a long distance Grandma, I have to be satisfied with pictures and Skype calls until we meet, but, unconditional love abounds from this house in Windsor! Uncle Paul is also very proud, and I'm sure that our dog, Thomas will be just as gentle with the new addition, as he is with Izzie.
It is at times like this that I am overwhelmed with the Power and Glory of God's Perfect Love. I came across this quote in one of my daily readings:
"Every child born into this world is a new thought of God, an ever-fresh and radiant possibility." Kate Douglas Wiggin
A short post today,
Have a Great Day!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A little while ago, my lifelong friend, Maggie found out her granddaughter, seventeen years old, had ovarian cancer. She has had one ovary removed, and now faces several hard rounds of chemeotherapy.
A couple of weeks ago, Maggie and her granddaughter made a day at the hairdressers, of getting their heads shaved, and then to go out shopping! Maggie said the hairdressers were great with her granddaughter (who had long dark tresses), and showed her several ways to fix her hair when it starts to grow in again. Tears were shed by all in attendance; I'm glad I wasn't there, I would have been just as bad as the rest of them! Maybe worse!
As my contribution, I have been making hats and scarves for the two! They chose berets. Maggie chose a verigated wool with teal (ovarian cancer), and her granddaughter wanted plain teal. Just in time for the cold weather, when their respective heads will feel more 'breezy'. Maggie has said that she will keep her head shaved until her granddaughter's hair grows back after the treatments. Maggie is shown in the picture with the scarves.
Each one of us has our own personal way to show love, and support for people we love who are going through an overwhelming struggle. Along with all our prayers and loving thoughts, it is good when we find a personal way to show our love and support. Maggie and her granddaughter and the whole family have a long hard road ahead, I like to think whenever they use the hats and scarves, they will remember they are loved and are always in my prayers.
This also makes me think of how we handle each crisis we face. Do we face it head-on, or do we give up the fight? I know I have given up sometimes, but I think in the biggest fights, I have fought to finally overcome the battle. Fight on Maggie and your lovely granddaughter, and overcome!
Have a great day, and remember to 'fight the good fight'!
A couple of weeks ago, Maggie and her granddaughter made a day at the hairdressers, of getting their heads shaved, and then to go out shopping! Maggie said the hairdressers were great with her granddaughter (who had long dark tresses), and showed her several ways to fix her hair when it starts to grow in again. Tears were shed by all in attendance; I'm glad I wasn't there, I would have been just as bad as the rest of them! Maybe worse!
As my contribution, I have been making hats and scarves for the two! They chose berets. Maggie chose a verigated wool with teal (ovarian cancer), and her granddaughter wanted plain teal. Just in time for the cold weather, when their respective heads will feel more 'breezy'. Maggie has said that she will keep her head shaved until her granddaughter's hair grows back after the treatments. Maggie is shown in the picture with the scarves.
Each one of us has our own personal way to show love, and support for people we love who are going through an overwhelming struggle. Along with all our prayers and loving thoughts, it is good when we find a personal way to show our love and support. Maggie and her granddaughter and the whole family have a long hard road ahead, I like to think whenever they use the hats and scarves, they will remember they are loved and are always in my prayers.
This also makes me think of how we handle each crisis we face. Do we face it head-on, or do we give up the fight? I know I have given up sometimes, but I think in the biggest fights, I have fought to finally overcome the battle. Fight on Maggie and your lovely granddaughter, and overcome!
Have a great day, and remember to 'fight the good fight'!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Life Is A Journey Completed
This past Sunday, I attended the dedication of a memorial bench in honour of a well-respected minister who was the pastor of an historic church in the Olde Sandwich Towne district of Windsor. Sandwich First Baptist Church was organized in the early 1840's, by escaped slaves from the Southern States. Rev. Burey, who was an avid student of history worked tirelessly to preserve not only the building, but educate the community concerning its importance. The church has now been designated a "National Historic Site".
Rev. Burey was a Jamaican Canadian who was involved in the larger community as well as the spiritual health of the church community. He was also a husband and father. I will not go on to list all the credentials of this very vital and active man who passed away in 2003, but the inscription on the bench interested me.
Life Is A Journey Completed. It gave me pause to think of my own journey. Am I making use of all the opportunities God has given me to affect my community and the people I love? I think I have been doing my best with my children, my work, friends and relatives. Is my own journey a fulfilling one, for me as well as pleasing to God? There are so many facets of my life I don't get a chance to work on. I am really looking forward to retirement, when I think I will have time to do all the things I have been putting off! I'd better be well enough to do all those things!
This is something I must think about more fully, and perhaps report back to you!
Rev. Burey was a Jamaican Canadian who was involved in the larger community as well as the spiritual health of the church community. He was also a husband and father. I will not go on to list all the credentials of this very vital and active man who passed away in 2003, but the inscription on the bench interested me.
Life Is A Journey Completed. It gave me pause to think of my own journey. Am I making use of all the opportunities God has given me to affect my community and the people I love? I think I have been doing my best with my children, my work, friends and relatives. Is my own journey a fulfilling one, for me as well as pleasing to God? There are so many facets of my life I don't get a chance to work on. I am really looking forward to retirement, when I think I will have time to do all the things I have been putting off! I'd better be well enough to do all those things!
This is something I must think about more fully, and perhaps report back to you!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Reason For Living
Why are we here? Why do we keep on "keeping on"? What gets us up in the morning, and why do we continue to go through our daily routine, even though some days we just do not "feel like" doing what we are supposed to on this particular day?
When we are younger, we just obey, and try to make our parents and family proud. Later, we find peers, personal goals, and maybe a dream of being a doctor, artist, parent, minister or missionary. A book I am reading now says God has had everything planned for our life from the beginning. Maybe the key is to find God's plan for our life, and work from there.
But what about the day when everything is just too much? God never promised us a 'stress-free, bed of roses' for a life! There will always be road blocks to fulfilling our dreams. What can we do to shelter us from the people and situations that attack our peaceful progress? What do you look forward to when you get home? I enjoy my time of bible study in the morning, reading regular books (who done it's), painting, playing the piano, and just listening to music, most kinds; later in the evening, before bed I like to watch TV.
I am a very fortunate person. I have two wonderful sons, a daughter-in-love, granddaughter, sister, aunts, uncles and cousins (my parents have both passed now) and of course, many friends. If you don't have that, what helps you to keep going? I like listening to music, when I'm upset I prefer quiet music, but, everyone is different. As I said in my last blog, we just got a dog, I had forgotten how dependent they are! But wait! What a joy to enter my house now! Just walking through the door, he is so excited to see me! Be it three minutes to get the mail, or after a morning of work! Taking him for a walk is pure adventure! He sees and smells so many interesting things, I just doubt if I will ever know the significance of each.
One thing I pray for each morning, is that God will allow me to be a blessing to someone every day, when you are looking for blessings around each corner, it is hard not to see God's work in progress. In my case, the key to each day is to study God's word, pray hard and often, (known as a constant state of prayer) and trust God to be just in time. In the meantime, find joy in everything you see, hear, and experience, and rest in Him.
Have a great, and joy-filled day!
When we are younger, we just obey, and try to make our parents and family proud. Later, we find peers, personal goals, and maybe a dream of being a doctor, artist, parent, minister or missionary. A book I am reading now says God has had everything planned for our life from the beginning. Maybe the key is to find God's plan for our life, and work from there.
But what about the day when everything is just too much? God never promised us a 'stress-free, bed of roses' for a life! There will always be road blocks to fulfilling our dreams. What can we do to shelter us from the people and situations that attack our peaceful progress? What do you look forward to when you get home? I enjoy my time of bible study in the morning, reading regular books (who done it's), painting, playing the piano, and just listening to music, most kinds; later in the evening, before bed I like to watch TV.
I am a very fortunate person. I have two wonderful sons, a daughter-in-love, granddaughter, sister, aunts, uncles and cousins (my parents have both passed now) and of course, many friends. If you don't have that, what helps you to keep going? I like listening to music, when I'm upset I prefer quiet music, but, everyone is different. As I said in my last blog, we just got a dog, I had forgotten how dependent they are! But wait! What a joy to enter my house now! Just walking through the door, he is so excited to see me! Be it three minutes to get the mail, or after a morning of work! Taking him for a walk is pure adventure! He sees and smells so many interesting things, I just doubt if I will ever know the significance of each.
One thing I pray for each morning, is that God will allow me to be a blessing to someone every day, when you are looking for blessings around each corner, it is hard not to see God's work in progress. In my case, the key to each day is to study God's word, pray hard and often, (known as a constant state of prayer) and trust God to be just in time. In the meantime, find joy in everything you see, hear, and experience, and rest in Him.
Have a great, and joy-filled day!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
End Of Summer!
These last few months, have been somewhat of a struggle. As I mentioned in the last few posts, our cat, Scary, was very upset, about what, I don't know. I thought we had her calmed down, but it was just a respite for bigger things to come. The result was, since she started swiping and attacking people (along with the terror-ripping scream), I had to hire a trapper to take her out of the house! The trapper said, and I have heard, that a cat will 'go wild', but I had never seen it before, and will be glad never to see it again.
I felt as though I had failed as a pet owner! Paul and I had to take the next day, which was Monday, off work because that last day, a Sunday, was so upsetting, I was physically ill, and vomiting, it was weeks before I could walk into the house, or even move from one room to another without checking for the cat. Paul and I were very lonely with no pet to love, especially when the last several months, Scary was not accepting any of the much love we had to give.
Well, I decided to adopt a dog from our local Humane Society! I went with my girlfriend, and fell in love with a one year old brother and sister who were up for adoption. I could only afford one, but I chose the sister. God was in charge though, and through a series of events, we wound up with the brother, and his name HAD to be Thomas, as in Doubting! The reason I chose the sister in the first place, is that she was more outgoing. But I had a few days to think about the adoption and the only one I could think of or even name was Thomas! As it turned out the Society gave the sister to another family, and Thomas was left! I snapped him up right away! May 20th was the BIG DAY.
Tom has his own challenges, but his assets include lots of love for everyone who has come in my home so far! He is a cross between a pug and a beagle, known as puggle (I still have to get used to the hound chasing and baying at the neighbourhood feral cats, all of a sudden they don't seem to like my backyard as much now! I wonder why?
At first I was concerned about how he would be with my granddaughter, Izzie, but he is very gentle, and she is very curious! Every time I talk to her on the phone, she asks where he is and what he has been doing. She is also concerned that he get enough 'doggie cookies'.
Paul is very happy, and has someone to follow him around, and Thomas has also taken to sleeping with Paul.I am so happy that my home is back to being a home, in my mind that includes, safe, happy, and not always calm or quiet, but fun. Paul is still not much of a disciplinarian, and when he should be correcting Tom, he just laughs, sometimes uncontrollably!
Now I have a new gardening chore! Beagles like to dig holes!
Hope all had a good summer, and have a GREAT DAY!!!
I felt as though I had failed as a pet owner! Paul and I had to take the next day, which was Monday, off work because that last day, a Sunday, was so upsetting, I was physically ill, and vomiting, it was weeks before I could walk into the house, or even move from one room to another without checking for the cat. Paul and I were very lonely with no pet to love, especially when the last several months, Scary was not accepting any of the much love we had to give.
Well, I decided to adopt a dog from our local Humane Society! I went with my girlfriend, and fell in love with a one year old brother and sister who were up for adoption. I could only afford one, but I chose the sister. God was in charge though, and through a series of events, we wound up with the brother, and his name HAD to be Thomas, as in Doubting! The reason I chose the sister in the first place, is that she was more outgoing. But I had a few days to think about the adoption and the only one I could think of or even name was Thomas! As it turned out the Society gave the sister to another family, and Thomas was left! I snapped him up right away! May 20th was the BIG DAY.
At first I was concerned about how he would be with my granddaughter, Izzie, but he is very gentle, and she is very curious! Every time I talk to her on the phone, she asks where he is and what he has been doing. She is also concerned that he get enough 'doggie cookies'.
Paul is very happy, and has someone to follow him around, and Thomas has also taken to sleeping with Paul.I am so happy that my home is back to being a home, in my mind that includes, safe, happy, and not always calm or quiet, but fun. Paul is still not much of a disciplinarian, and when he should be correcting Tom, he just laughs, sometimes uncontrollably!
Now I have a new gardening chore! Beagles like to dig holes!
Hope all had a good summer, and have a GREAT DAY!!!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Island Night In March!
I belong to a 'Prayer Connection'. We e-mail or phone in prayer requests to our coordinator, then she compiles the requests and e-mails the list to our members. The members with no Internet receive phone calls each morning by designated volunteers. There is a wonderful comfort knowing that so many people are all praying in concert with one another every day.
One of my favorite things about the prayer connection is, we are not all from just one church. We are Pentecostal, Baptist, and represent many other denominations and churches throughout Essex county. As a matter of fact, it is only the love for Our Lord and knowledge that our faithfulness in prayers, and further knowledge that those prayers are heard, and matter which keeps us on our knees.
Many of my friends who are not on 'the connection' will give me prayer requests, or I will take it upon myself to add names. It is that way with all the other members also, as a result, sometimes our lists get very long, especially lately with so much unemployment and financial hardship. As a dedicated prayer warrior, I know the time I put into this activity, is important, and I never shrink at spending more time with my Lord!
On this past Saturday evening we met for coffee/tea and dessert (which no one really needed). We don't meet in person often but is good to see the people we pray with every day. For this meeting, the organizers decided we needed a gathering with an Hawaiian Island theme. I think the plan had something to do with our snowy winter, but it was good to see the clear warm (for March) weather on our big night.
We were given flowers for around our neck (leas?), and a new name! Mine was Eawan, meaning Fair Radiance, well it's good someone thinks so! Of course the point of the evening was the visit; and uplifting, informative and positive-thinking speakers. There is nothing like visiting with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. There is always laughter, tears, and extra prayers.
My girlfriend and I decided it was a good thing we ate a decent supper before we went, otherwise, our diets would have been blown worse than they were! Just how many kinds of cheesecake are there? I think they had them all!
This gathering happened at a good time for me, I had a particularly 'sad news' week, and was feeling down. You know, God is so good. On the worse night, I opened my e-mail and it just kept downloading and downloading. When the mail came through there were two files full of pictures! One from my son Bob, who sent about ten pictures of Izzie (my granddaughter), and the other, was from the son of a good friend who passed suddenly last year. He sent several first year birthday pictures of his son! My friend missed seeing her only grandson by about six months, and the little guy looks so much like her! I could see her smile all over his little face!
My God is so good, and faithful, he gives me encouragement in the middle of my sorrows.
Have a blessed day!
One of my favorite things about the prayer connection is, we are not all from just one church. We are Pentecostal, Baptist, and represent many other denominations and churches throughout Essex county. As a matter of fact, it is only the love for Our Lord and knowledge that our faithfulness in prayers, and further knowledge that those prayers are heard, and matter which keeps us on our knees.
Many of my friends who are not on 'the connection' will give me prayer requests, or I will take it upon myself to add names. It is that way with all the other members also, as a result, sometimes our lists get very long, especially lately with so much unemployment and financial hardship. As a dedicated prayer warrior, I know the time I put into this activity, is important, and I never shrink at spending more time with my Lord!
On this past Saturday evening we met for coffee/tea and dessert (which no one really needed). We don't meet in person often but is good to see the people we pray with every day. For this meeting, the organizers decided we needed a gathering with an Hawaiian Island theme. I think the plan had something to do with our snowy winter, but it was good to see the clear warm (for March) weather on our big night.
We were given flowers for around our neck (leas?), and a new name! Mine was Eawan, meaning Fair Radiance, well it's good someone thinks so! Of course the point of the evening was the visit; and uplifting, informative and positive-thinking speakers. There is nothing like visiting with our brothers and sisters in the Lord. There is always laughter, tears, and extra prayers.
My girlfriend and I decided it was a good thing we ate a decent supper before we went, otherwise, our diets would have been blown worse than they were! Just how many kinds of cheesecake are there? I think they had them all!
This gathering happened at a good time for me, I had a particularly 'sad news' week, and was feeling down. You know, God is so good. On the worse night, I opened my e-mail and it just kept downloading and downloading. When the mail came through there were two files full of pictures! One from my son Bob, who sent about ten pictures of Izzie (my granddaughter), and the other, was from the son of a good friend who passed suddenly last year. He sent several first year birthday pictures of his son! My friend missed seeing her only grandson by about six months, and the little guy looks so much like her! I could see her smile all over his little face!
My God is so good, and faithful, he gives me encouragement in the middle of my sorrows.
Have a blessed day!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
I Like Skype!!!!
Today I was going to go into a long complaint about the financial problems of our times, but I got Skyped! At the urging of two of my friends I put the program on my computer, and the calls started coming tonight! One right after the other! See what my friends saved you from!!!!
The first was from Michigan, near Detroit, not a big deal here in Windsor, but it was fun to see my friend as we talked. Paul was sooooo impressed! The big smile never left his face! My friend, who is a Pastor, and his wife had to leave for Bible Study, so our conversation only lasted about twenty minutes.
After that, a dear friend Alan, (the picture was taken in Korea), who is now teaching in China called; a MUCH bigger deal, we have been conversing via e-mail for several years, I call him "The Globe Trotter". Paul's big smile was constant for the whole hour we talked! One of the things we discussed was the miracle of our conversation tonight. It was morning there, Alan just woke up, and Paul and I had just finished dinner. We could clearly see each other as we talked, and the delay wasn't all that long. Alan remembered when we met, in the early seventies and he was attending University and living at my mother-in-law's home. He remembered a time back then when he needed money and had to write home to his dad. It took two weeks for his letter to make it home in the Barbados. Now, here we are, talking with video, across the world in real time!
Amazing how our moods can improve with a call from an old friend! I even forget the point of my original idea, but I would like to say that my conversations tonight were something I cherish, not just the video calls, but mostly the friendships. God grants us the gift of friendships, to uphold us in times of struggle and sorrow, and to rejoice with us in the times when our blessings overflow!
When it was time to say goodbye, Alan asked for prayer. As a Christian in China, he feels the need for intercessory prayer. So we prayed. Later, I found this scripture:
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16.
Have a blessed day,
Sunday, February 22, 2009
What's Really Important?
Everyone has been talking about the current economic troubles, how to survive, how to cut corners, without cutting your throat, and how best to use the time and money we have left over. Money left over, has NEVER been a problem for me! There's seldom any left over!
I'm reading a book "Addicted To Hurry" by Kirk Byron Jones. In it he challenges me, as the reader to re-asses my priorities, and make time to rest with God, and my family. It was a good time for me to find this book, I have been on a spiritual journey for the last several years. In this journey I have been trying to pare down my life, and include only the essentials for a comfortable life with my children, (adults that they are) close friends and family.
I think it all comes down to the title of today's blog, What is really important to you? Money we need for food, shelter, transportation. Do you need the extra car, the boat, the gym membership, the designer clothes? Take time to cook yourself, do your own laundry, hang your clothes on the line (in the summer when they won't freeze), dryers are good in the winter.
I love to hang my sheets out on the line in the spring and summer, they smell so wonderful when they come in, and also make me feel good while hanging them; even looking at them while they are drying. It is such a relaxing motion, the clothes gently catching the breeze. Relaxing work, like hanging clothes, gardening (growing my own vegetables saves me lots of money every summer) and home repairs, puts our priorities in order. You can see a tangible credit to the work, and in my case at least, it helps keep me grounded in my own past. My parents did their own work, and my sister and me were expected to carry our own load as a part of being in the family.
Maybe this recession will convince many more people to reassess their priorities, and discover what is really important in their lives. A pastor laid out relationship priorities very well for me: My time with God, Spouse (well, no spouse here), Children, Job, Family, Friends. We need a balance in our lives, and when that balance is 'out of whack' then we are going to suffer, either mentally, physically, or emotionally.
I hope you like the quilt, my friend Judy did, I took the picture several years ago and thought it would be a good addition to today's topic. Judy loves to quilt, and it is her way to relax and unwind from a hard day at work. We all have to have a relaxing outlet to our day.
Have a blessed day,
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Let Me Be Me!!!!!
I happened upon a situation the other day where a "Mental Health Professional" verbally attacked a person because she manifested the behaviours of her previously diagnosed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder! I was astonished!
This particular lady is a client of mine, and her problem is hoarding. True, it is a challenging place to be, but the lady herself is a wonderful soul, and once I get her focused on what we have to do that day, we usually do fine. The other day, however, she was very depressed, bad for her, because when she is depressed, she MUST go shopping! The reason for her depression was the 'new girl' who just started last week, and whose job it is to help her. The 'new girl' spent the time criticising the apartment, dictating, and telling her to clean the place up!
Maybe in sports you can encourage by yelling and delivering negative comments, but NOT when it comes to serious mental or behavioural problems. I think the old adage, 'you get more flies with honey than vinegar', and positive reinforcement, works better here. Especially when you are talking to an eighty-ish very proper lady.
This situation reminds me of when Paul was about two or three, (early 1980's). Autism is still a mystery, and there are as many treatments as there are people with Autism. At the time we were still trying to figure out how to handle his problem and what made him afraid. I have 'burned into my brain' a comment made by one of the older ladies in my church: "Give me a week with him, I'll whip him into shape".
This comment came after something had upset Paul in the church basement, and he threw himself on the floor, and started to scream and shake. By this time, Paul was too big for me to pick up, and his older brother, Bob had to pick him up and we left immediately from the church. I remember thinking, if I didn't love my son so much, I would have taken her up on her offer. Since then, we have learned more about what makes Paul tick, and he has learned how to act in most situations. I think the best and only way to learn about someone is to listen, open your mind to their heart cries, and love with all your soul.
Paul is mine and his brother, Bob's personal love letter from God to us. We had the church, family, and many friends, near and far praying. I had a friend come from California, and she laid on hands also. There were many laying on of hands, and prayer circles, including Paul in prayer and worship, whenever possible. We had lots of help from the local Autism Resource Team, and the local Autism Society. It is my belief, however, that the family and all the people in the world can help, but it is God who opens the mind and spirit of the person, be they Autistic, or any other exceptionality.
I think this world would be a much happier place to be if everyone just accepted each person they met in this spirit. Not just for people with mental or behavioural problems, because, let's face it, not everyone wears a sign that says they have a problem. Accept me as I am, with all my warts, and idiosyncrasy's. I have to be me, you have to be you, and maybe that's what Valentine's Day is really all about. Jesus said:
"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 1 John 4: 7,8.
Happy Valentine's Day!
This particular lady is a client of mine, and her problem is hoarding. True, it is a challenging place to be, but the lady herself is a wonderful soul, and once I get her focused on what we have to do that day, we usually do fine. The other day, however, she was very depressed, bad for her, because when she is depressed, she MUST go shopping! The reason for her depression was the 'new girl' who just started last week, and whose job it is to help her. The 'new girl' spent the time criticising the apartment, dictating, and telling her to clean the place up!
Maybe in sports you can encourage by yelling and delivering negative comments, but NOT when it comes to serious mental or behavioural problems. I think the old adage, 'you get more flies with honey than vinegar', and positive reinforcement, works better here. Especially when you are talking to an eighty-ish very proper lady.
This situation reminds me of when Paul was about two or three, (early 1980's). Autism is still a mystery, and there are as many treatments as there are people with Autism. At the time we were still trying to figure out how to handle his problem and what made him afraid. I have 'burned into my brain' a comment made by one of the older ladies in my church: "Give me a week with him, I'll whip him into shape".
This comment came after something had upset Paul in the church basement, and he threw himself on the floor, and started to scream and shake. By this time, Paul was too big for me to pick up, and his older brother, Bob had to pick him up and we left immediately from the church. I remember thinking, if I didn't love my son so much, I would have taken her up on her offer. Since then, we have learned more about what makes Paul tick, and he has learned how to act in most situations. I think the best and only way to learn about someone is to listen, open your mind to their heart cries, and love with all your soul.
Paul is mine and his brother, Bob's personal love letter from God to us. We had the church, family, and many friends, near and far praying. I had a friend come from California, and she laid on hands also. There were many laying on of hands, and prayer circles, including Paul in prayer and worship, whenever possible. We had lots of help from the local Autism Resource Team, and the local Autism Society. It is my belief, however, that the family and all the people in the world can help, but it is God who opens the mind and spirit of the person, be they Autistic, or any other exceptionality.
I think this world would be a much happier place to be if everyone just accepted each person they met in this spirit. Not just for people with mental or behavioural problems, because, let's face it, not everyone wears a sign that says they have a problem. Accept me as I am, with all my warts, and idiosyncrasy's. I have to be me, you have to be you, and maybe that's what Valentine's Day is really all about. Jesus said:
"Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 1 John 4: 7,8.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Is it necessary for us to regress mentally as we age???? Or, as Jenny Joseph suggests, are my elderly clients just 'having fun' with me?
My experiences with my mother braced me for today. Her favorite poem was 'Warning' by Jenny Joseph, and it starts with: "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple with a red hat which doesn't go------" If I say more, it is probably illegal, but you get the point!
My mother, bless her soul was a force to be reckoned with. She was fiercely independent and even until the end (cancer) she wanted things done just so. I remember when the doctor told her not to drive anymore, she threatened to go out whenever she needed; my sister Liz had to have our mother's car disabled. Mother stoutly refused to move in with either of us! She HAD to be independent.
Which brings me to today, 11 years later, and I am still being told where to put MY ideas of how things should be! I'm sure that one particular lady did NOT spit her pills on the floor twenty years ago! Now, the water pills are an irritation, (she calls them her pee pills, and she doesn't want to run to the bathroom all the time). As a result she complains about her legs swelling (I wonder why??)
Then, there is the one who thinks the soup she made four days ago is okay to keep there on the stove because it's winter, "Not in the house!" I say. "It's okay, I always do it this way". She also thinks tomatoes belong on the counter for several days after they've been sliced. I gave up and now just warn her when they start to grow mould! These people raised children and they lived! Did you know one teabag will last for two days worth of tea? Not for me, but there's a lady I see who must drink what I call dishwater tea!
There's always the old standby, "I don't need a bath because I haven't done anything all week!" And then there's: "Oh that shirt isn't dirty, I've only worn it for three days, can you see any stains?" One of my personal favorites is: "You don't have to change the sheets honey, I sleep on the top of the blanket with an afghan so they don't get dirty".
Then, there's the question of safety: "Oh honey, will you check the back burner on my stove, it set off the smoke alarm last night." It contained the remnants of a paper towel, I've also found those blue scrubbing cloths under the burners. I have several clients with those security buttons. One lady keeps hers on the table beside her bed, not that she stays in bed all day! Another keeps hers on the phone table so she can find it when the company calls to check.
"But", I say, "what if you fall and you can't reach it?" "Oh I'm okay, my daughter made me get it, and I'm just going to show her I don't need it!" In ten years of doing this job, there's only one person who made a habit of wearing HIS button! Is there a message there?
I'm sixty-one now, when should I buy a red hat and learn how to spit? Will my sons still love me and speak to me? Will my friends still recognize me?
I know Maggie will join in the fun! Everyone needs a friend to be silly with!
Have a grand day!
My experiences with my mother braced me for today. Her favorite poem was 'Warning' by Jenny Joseph, and it starts with: "When I am an old woman I shall wear purple with a red hat which doesn't go------" If I say more, it is probably illegal, but you get the point!
My mother, bless her soul was a force to be reckoned with. She was fiercely independent and even until the end (cancer) she wanted things done just so. I remember when the doctor told her not to drive anymore, she threatened to go out whenever she needed; my sister Liz had to have our mother's car disabled. Mother stoutly refused to move in with either of us! She HAD to be independent.
Which brings me to today, 11 years later, and I am still being told where to put MY ideas of how things should be! I'm sure that one particular lady did NOT spit her pills on the floor twenty years ago! Now, the water pills are an irritation, (she calls them her pee pills, and she doesn't want to run to the bathroom all the time). As a result she complains about her legs swelling (I wonder why??)
Then, there is the one who thinks the soup she made four days ago is okay to keep there on the stove because it's winter, "Not in the house!" I say. "It's okay, I always do it this way". She also thinks tomatoes belong on the counter for several days after they've been sliced. I gave up and now just warn her when they start to grow mould! These people raised children and they lived! Did you know one teabag will last for two days worth of tea? Not for me, but there's a lady I see who must drink what I call dishwater tea!
There's always the old standby, "I don't need a bath because I haven't done anything all week!" And then there's: "Oh that shirt isn't dirty, I've only worn it for three days, can you see any stains?" One of my personal favorites is: "You don't have to change the sheets honey, I sleep on the top of the blanket with an afghan so they don't get dirty".
Then, there's the question of safety: "Oh honey, will you check the back burner on my stove, it set off the smoke alarm last night." It contained the remnants of a paper towel, I've also found those blue scrubbing cloths under the burners. I have several clients with those security buttons. One lady keeps hers on the table beside her bed, not that she stays in bed all day! Another keeps hers on the phone table so she can find it when the company calls to check.
"But", I say, "what if you fall and you can't reach it?" "Oh I'm okay, my daughter made me get it, and I'm just going to show her I don't need it!" In ten years of doing this job, there's only one person who made a habit of wearing HIS button! Is there a message there?
I'm sixty-one now, when should I buy a red hat and learn how to spit? Will my sons still love me and speak to me? Will my friends still recognize me?
I know Maggie will join in the fun! Everyone needs a friend to be silly with!
Have a grand day!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Cool Monday!

Well, here I sit on a Monday and I'm not going to work!! I think a mental health holiday is in order!
My stop will be a local National Park: Point Pelee, and since this trip is my mind, I will travel with my family, all of whom are not with me right now! Point Pelee is the southernmost point in Canada, and juts out into Lake Erie. It is a rich place for the local birders and butterfly watchers to visit in the season, but now, it is just beautiful! Peaceful, and quiet. In these pictures, you can see a hint of snow, and of course the ice on the lake!
I remember visiting there several (about 25) years ago, with some friends, and a student from the local university, who was originally from a farm in Kenya. He wanted to have pictures taken of him 'walking on water' to send home! Now he is back home, married and with two children, now teenagers! I wonder if he shows them his pictures?
Today is bright, and the air is brisk. Not bone-chilling cold, and the sun will just softly touch your face. There are a few birds out, I can just see in my mind, a scarlet cardinal partially hidden in a stand of brush. Of course there are squirrels around, aren't they everywhere?
My family and me just wander and wonder as we take in the beauty of God's handiwork. We travel around the main path to the 'point'. Our lives can be so busy, and sometimes full of trouble, there are wars, and tragedy, but God also gives us these hints of the beauty to be found when we meet Him after this life is over.
Thank you God for these times of peace, beauty, and the knowledge of Your Love for us!
P.S.: The pictures are from last winter, and show Bob and his daughter Izzie. Today, I have a bad cold and chose not to cough and sputter all over my clients!!!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Such A Long Time!
It's been such a long time since I've written in this blog, almost a month! I'm feeling guilty! We've had quite a holiday season this year. Scary (the cat) has calmed down, but just this week! I didn't resort to the rum, but I did try a tranquilizer (for her). It didn't work. I added it to tuna oil, but she must have smelled something different, because she wouldn't go near it! I guess God was working on my patience, because all it really took, was time and TLC!
One of the things that bothered her was my new running shoes. I wear runners (when the snow is not too high!) to go to work, and carry 'inside shoes' for inside my client's homes. Well, I guess Scary didn't like the smell of the new shoes, and they were one of the causes of her screaming fits. She would follow me around the house, and scream and hiss at my shoes! After much thought, I decided to spray them with an Avon product, well it masked part of the original smell, but then she just looked confused! The poor cat just stared at my shoes, with a bewildered look on her face, and followed me with her eyes!
I was bragging in early December about living in the Sun Parlor of Canada, winter has finally arrived! A record number of heavy (for us) snowfalls in just a month! Now we are entering a second 'deep freeze' in January! WOW! Still three months of winter left! Paul and I have been shovelling and spreading salt like crazy! I remember one year I don't think we used one bag of salt, this year we are on our fourth!
I'm so thankful the Lord laid it on my heart to do a serious Bible study each morning before I do anything else in the day. I know I need the grounding of His Word to give me courage and encouragement for each day. As it is with everyone, some days take more courage than others, but my family and I are healthy and relatively happy. I'm looking forward to working on my crafts and paintings again. I will start them tomorrow!
From today's study:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24 - 26
God Bless,
One of the things that bothered her was my new running shoes. I wear runners (when the snow is not too high!) to go to work, and carry 'inside shoes' for inside my client's homes. Well, I guess Scary didn't like the smell of the new shoes, and they were one of the causes of her screaming fits. She would follow me around the house, and scream and hiss at my shoes! After much thought, I decided to spray them with an Avon product, well it masked part of the original smell, but then she just looked confused! The poor cat just stared at my shoes, with a bewildered look on her face, and followed me with her eyes!
I was bragging in early December about living in the Sun Parlor of Canada, winter has finally arrived! A record number of heavy (for us) snowfalls in just a month! Now we are entering a second 'deep freeze' in January! WOW! Still three months of winter left! Paul and I have been shovelling and spreading salt like crazy! I remember one year I don't think we used one bag of salt, this year we are on our fourth!
I'm so thankful the Lord laid it on my heart to do a serious Bible study each morning before I do anything else in the day. I know I need the grounding of His Word to give me courage and encouragement for each day. As it is with everyone, some days take more courage than others, but my family and I are healthy and relatively happy. I'm looking forward to working on my crafts and paintings again. I will start them tomorrow!
From today's study:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24 - 26
God Bless,
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