Sunday, January 25, 2009

Such A Long Time!

It's been such a long time since I've written in this blog, almost a month! I'm feeling guilty! We've had quite a holiday season this year. Scary (the cat) has calmed down, but just this week! I didn't resort to the rum, but I did try a tranquilizer (for her). It didn't work. I added it to tuna oil, but she must have smelled something different, because she wouldn't go near it! I guess God was working on my patience, because all it really took, was time and TLC!

One of the things that bothered her was my new running shoes. I wear runners (when the snow is not too high!) to go to work, and carry 'inside shoes' for inside my client's homes. Well, I guess Scary didn't like the smell of the new shoes, and they were one of the causes of her screaming fits. She would follow me around the house, and scream and hiss at my shoes! After much thought, I decided to spray them with an Avon product, well it masked part of the original smell, but then she just looked confused! The poor cat just stared at my shoes, with a bewildered look on her face, and followed me with her eyes!

I was bragging in early December about living in the Sun Parlor of Canada, winter has finally arrived! A record number of heavy (for us) snowfalls in just a month! Now we are entering a second 'deep freeze' in January! WOW! Still three months of winter left! Paul and I have been shovelling and spreading salt like crazy! I remember one year I don't think we used one bag of salt, this year we are on our fourth!

I'm so thankful the Lord laid it on my heart to do a serious Bible study each morning before I do anything else in the day. I know I need the grounding of His Word to give me courage and encouragement for each day. As it is with everyone, some days take more courage than others, but my family and I are healthy and relatively happy. I'm looking forward to working on my crafts and paintings again. I will start them tomorrow!

From today's study:
"The Lord bless you and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you;
The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24 - 26

God Bless,
