Monday, September 17, 2012

Olde Sandwich Towne Festival

Native Canadian Dancers
Last weekend was the annual celebration of the Olde Sandwich Towne Festival, in the West Windsor Ontario area where I live. This year was special because of the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 where the British Soldiers stopped the Americans who wanted to increase their territory into Canada.
Local Pioneer Villiage
There was a camp of pioneers and a visit from "Laura Secord" who told of her trek to warn the British soldiers of an impending raid and helped to secure the land for Canada. My son, Paul's favorite was the Native Canadian dancers. The drumming and colourful regalia is always a sight to see! Another storyteller told of the early life of the famed General Issac Brock. One of the public schools in Sandwich is named after General Brock.
We attended the celebrations with our neighbour, Moonchild, who took videos of the stories, and several of the dances.
"Laura Secord"
Paul and I enjoyed the diversion from our regular routine, and especially for me, the routine of my new project of writing.
Since my novel is historical in its setting, the history of this area was good to experience. I am still in mostly a research mode, in preparation for the storytelling, but I have my story mapped out. This is an exciting endeavour on my part. I love to write, but have no experience in writing a novel. Wish me God Speed!

Have a great day,


Moonchild and Paul
Native Canadian Dancers

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Haley's Comet

Last night Paul and I shared a "Movie Night" with our neighbour who has just adopted a new kitten from the local Humane Society. She has dubbed the little fire ball as Haley's Comet! She is full of spunk and action, and has left our neighbour in a bit of a whirl. My neighbour, "Moonchild" just lost her previous cat, (in June) a lovely companion of 14 years, named Chrystal and this active kitten is a bit of a shock!

I brought my crocheting over to instigate a few pictures - naughty me! Of course, the crocheting had to be put away to see our movie! (see the first picture, yes -- she did pull the project down while I took time to take the picture!) I hope you enjoy the pictures. That's Paul's legs in the background, he was too busy laughing to be any help!

We watched "Newsies", with Robert Duvall, Ann Margaret, and Christian Bale I think the real star of the show, however is the Choreography of Kenny Ortega. If you ever get a chance to see this film do so! It is one of the best from Walt Disney.

My garden is doing well this year, I was thinking of not doing it but relented when all the stores started selling tomato plants! The drought in July killed my snow peas, but other than that, the veggies came through, and are coming in good now.

I have also started a new project which has been eating into my blogging time. I have started to write a novel based on the rich history of this area where I grew up, in Essex County.The research is fun, and enlightening. I thought I had a good grip on the history of Olde Sandwich Towne, and Essex County, but I am learning more every day. I hope to have the book done within two years.

 Hope you had a wonderful summer, and I pray God will take care of you in your every endeavour.

Have a great day,


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Visitor To The Neighbourhood

This is a picture of the Bobwhite Quail I had to get from the internet, since I have not been able to find our illusive mystery visitor!  I know he/she is here because I've been hearing the call, for the last two days, which is very distinctive and sounds like it is saying it's name! When I was looking up the picture I noticed that the bobwhites are not usually found this far north, and not in residential neighbourhoods, so I hope I get to see our visitor before it leaves us! His/her presence here must have something to do with the mild winter weather we experienced this year.

Tom, our dog, is much more curious, maybe it's the beagle (hunter dog) in him, but he is very agitated, and his loud barking, will probably frighten the bird off before too long! Yesterday, I had a long 'talk' with Tom, urging him to stop barking, and look around quietly, but the bobwhite, kept calling, and Tom's barking finally descended into a baleful howl. I guess if your interests include quietly enjoying the surrounding nature, you shouldn't get a dog with hunting genes!

Short blog today, if more happens, I will continue!

Have a great day,


Monday, May 28, 2012

Life Rules

This list arrived in my e-mail a while ago now:

Home Rules:                                                   
1.   If you sleep on it - pick it up
2.   If you wear it - hang it up
3.   If you drop it - pick it up
4.   If you eat out of it - put it in the sink
5.   If you step in it - wipe it off
6.   If you open it - close it
7.   If you empty it - fill it up
8.   If it rings - answer it
9.   If it howls - feed it
10. If it cries - LOVE IT!

These are wonderful rules to live by, there are a couple more that my parents taught me along the way!

1. Don't argue with old people!           

The gift of age, gives them the advantage of experience and wisdom. They naturally look at a situation with reflection into the 'long run'. As Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, and Paul in 1 Corinthians 10:13, There are no new situations 'under the sun'. There may be a different or new way of expressing things, but the root problems are all the same.  I have always found that when I take my time and think carefully, I can see the wisdom in their advice.  Be especially wary if they stop talking to you, and just say "Have it your way". I've found they really recognize the answer, and  you are in big trouble if you don't pay attention!

2. The most precious legacy is the love and respect of a loved one.

The richest gift you can give or receive is the love and respect of a loved one. Not just in your family, but in extended family, neighbours, church, wherever. To give the free gift of your time, in listening, doing for, and helping someone. I have had the most wonderful times of my life, listening to the 'life stories' of  some of the older people I have met along the way. It is a peek into history, when I hear a personal story of someone who lived in a time I read about in school. So many of our personal stories are being lost as time goes by. I find that it is also wise to incorporate some of the ideas and habits I hear about into my life. I didn't incorporate the idea of one tea bag for several days, or leaving cut tomatoes out till they grow stuff - another story, told in a previous blog! Knowing the stories of a person's life, can help you understand why a person thinks and behaves the way they do. When someone is talking, don't just listen to their words, but hear their heart.

It is my opinion that true education begins at the knees of the special people God has placed in our lives.

Have a wonder-filled day!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Son is Autistic, Not Stupid!

A friend made me aware of this story yesterday. I can't remember how many times I have told people, that my son, Paul, who was considered non-verbal before 5 years of age, really DOES know what is going on around him. It has been documented in many cases, how autistic people who are able to communicate later in life, remember and comment on things that happened many years before.

In my family, Paul, who would not talk in front of people when he knew they were around, I saw talk in the mirror and comment on things that happened earlier. Even now, at age 33, he will run into people he hasn't seen in over 25 years, and ask how their family is, and where is the car they were driving at the time (he likes cars)! Usually his comments are followed by shock and stares from the person, who is shock just as much by the fact he was talking, as my his memory. I often refer to Paul to help me remember people's names, and where we saw them.

Please know, that although someone does not react in the manner you expected, it does NOT MEAN that they don't understand what was said, or what happened, it just means they can't communicate the way you do. It is my belief that the truth always comes out. Praise God, that the father in this story was able to get recordings of what was happening in his son's classroom.

I listen to my son. When he says he doesn't like someone, and I ask why, quite often he can't tell me why, he just says "Because I don't want to." That has to be enough for me. I know it will only hold up in the court that "mommy" keeps!

It doesn't matter if your child is considered 'special needs', or not, you have to listen, with wisdom and reason to not only what they say, but the behaviors they manifest.

"Every child born into this world is a new thought of God an ever-fresh and radiant possibility." (Kate Douglas Wiggin)

As parents, we are given this responsibility by God, to make the most of this blessing, and help them to be best person they can be.

Have a great day, and God bless,


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Two Special Blessings From God

In my life, God has blessed me twice with healthy baby boys. My first born, Bob, has grown from a boisterous, mischievous, and fun-loving little boy, to a mature, loving and devoted husband and father. He and his wife have two little girls, aged 2 & 6 years. My second born son, Paul, while seemingly, normal when born, was diagnosed as autistic at 3 1/2 years old in 1982.

When I first sought help for him, before his diagnosis, his vocalizations were in a growling voice, he was terrified of loud noises (vacuum cleaner, street cleaners, blender), running water (shower, toilet flushing), and he had different perseverations (spinning, drumming, staring into nothing). Paul's early years were filled with visits to doctors, and agencies, and filling out forms; and even now, surveys for gathering early and follow-up data on autism. The professional help we received assisted us with learning different behaviour modification techniques.
Bob reading to Paul, the day he came home from the hospital.
Our family's favorite behaviour modification  technique was one for helping Paul control his fear of loud noises. Bob would keep Paul occupied in their room playing with cars or other toys, while I went in the kitchen and made milk shakes with the blender. After several times Paul associated the noise with something good, and started leading me by the hand to the blender, then running to their room! Bob continued to be my biggest helper with his brother, throughout their developing years. Sometimes, there were harrowing experiences, such as when Paul collapsed screaming and shaking in the middle of a major road on the way to a store, because he heard a transport trailer. Another time was when he collapsed in a fit of uncontrollable laughter when there was a minor fire from a short circuit in the house. After many years of consistent hard work, speech and behaviour therapy,  prayer, and many failures and triumphs we have come far with Paul, and as a family.
Bob and Paul in a local park.
I thank God for my two sons every day. They are both in a good place in their lives, and have both triumphed over life's trials and tribulations so far. Both my sons are blessed with a beautiful singing voice, and both enjoy raising their voice in song to Our Lord in church. Both my sons are very special gifts from God, and are a blessing for me. They are kind, loving and sweet-spirited men.

Thank you God, for the very special and precious gifts you have entrusted to my care.

Monday, April 2, 2012 is Autism Awareness Day, please wear some BLUE and say why!
Have a great day,


Friday, February 17, 2012

The Crafty Helper!

I like to paint, knit, sew, and many other things, all in all, Paul puts up with the whole thing in passive acceptance, but the dog; he likes to be fully involved! This last little while, I have been knitting bears. When I knit, the dog likes to lay right beside me with his nose touching me, or at lease as close as possible.
When I started stuffing the bears, I put the large bag of stuffing beside me, and "someone" couldn't get as close as he liked!
Paul got me the camera for me. my leg is at the bottom, Tom nosed his way under the bag to get close to the action!
I have added a picture of the finished products below.
I think these bears will go into my "stash" of presents for unexpected gifts! I'm not sure what my next project will be, but I am enjoying my time!

Have a great day,
