Saturday, November 8, 2014

Hiding the Refugees

Sometimes, when the refugees from slavery came to Canada, they were pursued by men sent to re-capture them for the Landowners.

Under the North Star - the Underground Railroad in Olde Sandwich Towne

We all have drama in our life, and we have times of peace, and God is with us all the time...

Malden Park - Windsor, Ontario

 I hope you get to read my book:
 Under the North Star - the Underground Railroad in Olde Sandwich Towne
by Joanna Bullard.
For those overseas, Amazon in UK carries it as well as in North America, it can be downloaded as well as in soft, or hard cover.

May this day be a wondrous one.

Phoebe Brown

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ojibway Park

Good Tuesday morning!

When I was thinking about the way the Sandwich Towne area was almost two hundred years ago, I think of the way Ojibway Park is now.
In my story, the principle characters live on farms surrounded by a thick woods. Here is an excerpt from my story:

Hope this 'teases' you to find my book!
Under The North Star - the Underground Railroad in Olde Sandwich Towne

It's on Amazon, Kobo, and

If you live in the Windsor area The Windsor - Essex Authors Book Expo on November 23, 2014 (10am - 5pm) at The St. Clair College Centre for the Arts 201 Riverside Dr. W. Windsor Ontario (the Old Cleary).
For more info see

Have a great day

Phoebe Brown

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Berry's Cove

Here's me at the cove in Olde Sandwich Towne, you can see Detroit in the background.

HI!! Hope today is great for you!
I'm going to talk a little about my book, Under the North Star - the Underground Railroad in Olde Sandwich Towne.

I really don't know the name of this cove, but in my book I call it Berry's Cove.

Here it is, it's located on Russell Street, just west of Mill Street in Sandwich Towne in West Windsor. I used to spend lots of time here thinking about how the story in my book would develop. I still do come here, it's a good quiet place to think and read, and just wander. While thinking about my story, I thought it seemed to be a good spot for the refugees from slavery to arrive on Canadian soil.

Here it is in the summertime.
When I thought about the storyline in the book, I thought about the people who lived in this area at that time. There were lots of Christian churches, of several denominations, so I thought they were 'people of God'. I figured the Canadian people in the story should be reflective of the time. Except for the people of the First Nations, everyone at that time could trace their roots back to, mostly England, Ireland, Scotland, France or the United States. Now the population of Sandwich, and all of Windsor are reflective of many nations from all over the world.

In my research, I learned that along the coast of the Detroit River the residents, black, white and First Nations, all helped the people who landed here. I wanted my story to reflect that also. I also learned that there were those who were against the welcoming of the refugees, and they actively worked to help the Southern landowners from The United States.

I hope you get a chance to read my story!

You can get it by e-book or soft or hard cover at Amazon or cheaper at the publisher:

Have a great day!

Phoebe Brown

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Under the North Star - The Underground Railroad in Olde Sandwich Towne

I just received my link to a preview of my new book!

Check it out!

Under the North Star

Have a great day!

Phoebe Brown

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Friends, Family and Loss

Picnic in a local park.
One Sunday after church several of us decided to have a picnic at one of Windsor's several parks. It was a wonderful, relaxing day and one of those times you can look back on with pleasant nostalgic memories.

Within two years from when this picture was taken, three of these people had passed on to be with Our Lord. Two of them, suddenly. This year, I lost two people in my family, an Aunt, and a cousin, both I loved dearly, and will miss.

As I look back at old photos, I think about how precious life is, and how blessed we are to have family, and friends who are family, in our lives. When I look at this picture, and the many others in my albums, I thank God for granting me fun and relaxation in my life. Remembering these days give me the strength to soldier through the hard times.

I also think of how precious life is, and after the stories on the daily news of war, bombings, massacres, and unnecessary police shootings I think, as a people, we are missing our humanity. I don't long for the 'old days', I long for something that has been missing from our culture all through the history of this world. PEACE.

Some fine ladies from my past.

Well, there's my rant for today,

Have a good and peace-filled day


Saturday, May 10, 2014

Walking in Ojibway Park


I have been having a wonder-filled day today! Yesterday I received an e-mail from the publisher that my book has gone to the 'next stage' of publication. I'm hoping it will be out by the summer!

This morning, after a physical wrestling match with Tom, who does NOT like the new ear infection medication, I escaped with my friend 'Moonchild' to hike in the local bush area. (Not good for Tom, who likes to chase the wildlife, which causes the 'birders' to be angry.)

Here are some of the pictures we took:

Have a great day!

Phoebe Brown.
Beginning the trail.
I liked the arrangement of the logs, like for a meeting.
Taken from the pond railing.
Me on the trail.
Moonchild on the bench by the pond.
If you look hard, you can see the frog!
Near one of the many streams which disappear in the heat of summer.

I call this my bridge! It has been replaced, the old one was kind of rickety.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Getting Closer!

I finally finished my book! The proofreading is done and I'm now talking to publishers! I plan to make my decision by next week. The book won't have all the illustrations I have done, but one will appear on the cover.

Last Sunday (in the cold and snow) My friend Shmoo and me went to the river, at the cove, where much of the action in my story is located, to take pictures. I wanted one of me by the cove. It was a very cold day, and one picture had to be discarded completely because of the 'chilled' look on my face!

Here's the cove, you can see Detroit in the background.
Here's the cove in the summertime. The summer growth gives the cove shelter from the main stream of the river.

My book's final title is "Under the North Star - An Olde Sandwich Towne Story" I'm using my real name as the author - Joanna Bullard.

I'll keep you posted!

Have a great day!

Phoebe Brown