Monday, April 19, 2010

New Portraits

Hi!  I just finished some new portraits, now on to the action picture I was planning!

Hope you enjoy them, and have a great day!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Lap Dog

I never set out to have lap dogs, it just kind of works out that way! Even when I was young, at home with my  parents, we always had rather large dogs, for example, a beautiful black lab/boxer mix; her name was Tammy, and her favorite place, (when mother wasn't looking) was our laps. I am just a drippy mess when it comes to those big dark sappy eyes, along with the constant adoration and unconditional love which absolutely oozzes from any family dog I have ever had!

The first family dog in my own family, supposedly bought for our oldest son (back when I had a husband) was also a black lab, his name was Boots. In no time at all I had him spoiled, and his favorite place, when #1 son Bob was not around, was my lap! He liked to sleep with Bob, later, Paul and Bob! Boots was followed by two German Shepherds, and a Rotweiller, all were big lovable sappy lap dogs! They were all the best friends of my sons, and when their time here with us was done they were mourned like family members.

So, this time, I decided not to have a real large dog, just a medium size one. I'm older now, and not as strong, when it comes to training them. Well, Thomas is really not a lap dog, he is still too large to be one. Says one of my friends: "Phoebe, really! He just doesn't fit in anyone's lap!" "But" I answer, "You haven't known me long enough to see my other dogs!"

Tom sleeps with Paul, (sometimes under the covers), when we are quiet in the house, he either naps at our feet, or on our laps! That's it! I've done it again, knuckled under; given in to the total love and adoration of another family dog!

So be it, I guess there are worse things in this world we can do!

Have a great day,
