Friday, March 25, 2011


I've been off line for 1 month!  It was harder that I thought it would be. My computer crashed, and I decided to save for the new one, it took not quite as long as I thought; but I didn't realize how much I have been depending on the convenience.

I check out the news, and the local paper, research the purchases I plan to make, as well as general research, connect with my friends and family, especially the ones out of town (by e-mail and Skype), I have a prayer chain which e-mails prayer request lists to each member. Of course there's the basic uses of the computer, writing letters for snail mail, downloading pictures, fixing them and then printing. When you have grandchildren, the pictures, especially the ones sent to me by e-mail, are very important!

Being newly retired, I really have not done much with my list of  "things to do after retirement". Well, now my house is clean, and if I make any more cookies, I think I will explode, (Paul likes the cookie problem). I have changed the living room around, (both Paul and the dog do NOT LIKE change) and organized my house. I haven't started with the scrapbooking yet, (I need the picture program and the printer for that). I've been drawing, but I haven't been able to consentrate on too much yet.

Oh, yesterday was the day!  It came!  I was so anxious to get set up again! Today I started going through all my e-mail which piled up! I'm glad I was able to get messages to some people about my computer woes, as it was there were several hundred to go through! I'm about half done with the e-mails.

My biggest frustration? Microsoft. I bought the new 'key card for the 2010 Office Home & Student, and they didn't like my e-ail address and when I tried again, they were busy!

So, I will try again later, and in the meantime, you can hear my cries!

Glad to be back, and to check out all the posts,

Have a great day,
