Sunday, December 27, 2015

A Kind of Post Christmas!

It's December 27th but I still have another Christmas Celebration to go! My #1 son will be visiting with his family on New Year's Day this year! I'm looking forward to that visit, it will be good to see Bob, J.R., Izzie and Feather again! I can see in pictures how much the girls have grown, and talk to them on the phone - but there's nothing like seeing them in person!

Even though many wonderful and happy things happened this year, over all, for me it was a sad one, and I am looking forward to seeing the end of it - and MOVE ON!!! One of the things Paul and I do each year is to put little notes of "Good Things That Happened Today" in a mason jar. Reading them on New Year's Day has become a new tradition for us.
This is the mason jar where we add the good things notes.
  I think I will spend some time this week and try to remember more of the good things that happened this year I missed. Usually, we have more notes than room in the jar by the end of the year; this year, there is lots of room for more.

One thing I do to lift my spirits each year is to regard my Christmas tree and think of all the decorations. I've had a smaller tree for the past several years, and one of the things I like to do is fill it with hand-made decorations. Not all the decorations are made by me, but most of them, by me and people I love.
This lamb on my tree was made by a wonderful lady who has now gone to be with Our Lord. I love to stuff it in my tree, it reminds me of her as well as why we celebrate Christmas in the first place. The crocheted ice skates I made with a pattern given to me by my late Mother-in-law. Even though I made them myself, I think of her when I look at them.
You can't see the body of the elephant I have stuffed in the tree, but it is considered a gift of love. In my family, the first gift my father gave my mother, was a toy elephant. Every year, my parents would bring it out, and put it under the tree. By the time my sister and I realized the meaning of the toy, we had it "played out". Every year we would play with it, it was a mechanical toy, and when wound up would walk and nod it's head and tail up and down. By the time we grew up, the trunk and tail were just a piece of bare wire! The first Christmas I was married, I found a pattern to make a stuffed elephant for my tree. Each year I remember the love my parents shared, by placing my elephant in a place of honour in my tree.

Christmas day was a good one here. Paul and our dog, Tom had a good time. Tom was not sure why he was getting so many toys at once, but he was happy in the end. He did not like the hedgehog - it made a funny noise.

My friend, Moonchild came over to share Christmas dinner, and we watched a movie before she headed for home. Not too busy, but a good day.

I hope and pray your Christmas celebrations were wonderful, and may the year 2016 bring you joy and fulfillment.

Blessings, and have a wonderful day

Phoebe Brown

Friday, September 11, 2015

My 9 -11 Story

Everyone who is old enough to remember Tuesday, September 11, 2001 has memories of that world and life changing day. I was still working as a Personal Support Worker for a local company. My job was to travel from client to client and help them get started for the day. Usually a bath, dressing, breakfast. and whatever else they needed done within the time frame given to me.

I should tell you the area where I was working was about ten blocks from the Ambassador Bridge which separates Detroit Michigan from Windsor, Ontario, where I live. This is one of the main border crossings between the United States and Canada.

On that Tuesday I was to be at a local nursing home with a partner by 8:30 a.m. to help feed a resident with Alzheimer's disease. When the first plane hit "Fergie" and I were feeding our resident in the lounge room where the other residents were watching an American morning news show. At first, the news readers weren't sure if it was an attack or an accident. By the time we had to leave, it was obvious it was an attack. The nursing home was located on the West side of Huron Church Road, the street which empty's at the entrance to the international bridge.

News spread fast among the staff and visitors to the facility, when I was leaving, I even ran into a cousin who was visiting his mother. No one knew what to make of the news yet. I called "Wilma", the lady who was watching my son, to ask her not to leave the house that day until we knew what was happening, she hadn't heard. I found out later, she and my son stayed in all day until I came to pick him up after work. "Fergie" and I said goodbye, and left to visit our other clients for the day.

My next client was living at home and needed a bath to start off. When I got to her home, I told her husband what happened and suggested he turn on the news. By the time I got her out of the bath, her husband told me a second tower was hit, and both buildings were engulfed in flame. This couple's home was located almost under the bridge - still on the west side of Huron Church Road - when you looked out of their back window you could see the trucks and cars on the bridge - NOT MOVING. When I finished at their home, I had one more stop to make.

My third place to visit was located on the East side of Huron Church Road. I had to cross that mess. Knowing the west end of the city helped, I was able to go around the bridge by other roads. I had my car radio on on the way to that lady's house, but after missing so much helping my previous clients, the sporadic messages confused me, I was having trouble figuring out exactly what happened. One announcer said something about a third plane crashing in a field, and another in Washington D.C. By the time I reached the third lady, I was thoroughly confused; on top of that. she told me one of the buildings collapsed!

I had work to do at her home, and since she was more aware of her surroundings, she tried to 'fill me in' on the happenings of the day while we did what had to be done for her.

Since Huron Church Road is a direct link to the Highway 401, part of the Trans Canada Highway system, the stopped traffic caused a back-up for several miles on Huron Church and on to the 401 highway. My trip back to the West Side of Huron Church - and home - would be more difficult. I forget when I heard the border had been closed. If I remember correctly it was closed for three days. This was the second time in my lifetime the Ambassador Bridge was closed. It was closed for three days when the Detroit riots occurred in the summer of 1967 (I am plenty old enough to remember seeing the flames from the buildings from the Windsor side of the river).

By the time I reached the closest crossing of Huron Church Road to my home, the Windsor Police Services were directing traffic. Hooray!

I didn't know what to expect when I arrived at Wilma's home, she, in her distress, was able to keep my son calm. She was watching the news, but not continually, and was keeping him busy with other things. The traffic on the local residential streets between my home and hers was not busy, and the end of the trip was calm. After supper, while my son was 'vegging' in his room, as he calls it; I turned on the news and tried to put together the events of the day.

What a horrific thing to happen, personally, I was just on the periphery of the events. My heart goes out to all those who had to face the 'fires' of that fateful day.

I remember...
Ambassador Bridge from the West Windsor side.

Have a peaceful day,

Phoebe Brown.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Relaxation, Renewal and Idea Regneration

Malden Park
It's late August already, and all this summer I have been in a restless state. I am still searching for new ideas for another book; not only that, my urge to draw and paint has been affected. I'm sure I will probably survive this, but I just want to DO IT!

Malden Park
Yesterday one of my girlfriends and I went to a nearby park, Malden Park, for those who are familiar with this area. We wandered around the paved trails (for wheelchairs), and I purposely didn't take pictures of the many Canada Geese who populate this, and many other parks in Windsor, especially around the water areas. Malden is a large park, there were several people also visiting, but it was certainly not crowded.

Near the parking lot there are several picnic tables to bring lunch, but we chose not to fight with the wasps who seem to congregate, especially by August! (Canada Geese can also be grabby.) This last week and a half has been very warm, including a few days of heat warnings, in Windsor and most of South-Western Ontario. There was a big rain the day before we went out - that evening was windy, which dried the ground and yesterday's cooler temperatures felt comfortable.

Malden Park
Walking in wooded areas speaks to my soul. It is quiet, except for honking geese flying in formation overhead. I am reminded of Who is really in charge of my life, my creative self, and and Who has given me this gift, and most of all He is in charge of when and how I use it.

My girlfriend and I discussed our families, our faith, and the comfort in silence and as much solitude as a person can find in the city.

First thing every morning I take the time for a bible study; this last few weeks I have been trying to focus on my creative self and how it is governed by my faith. I have been studying the tools of my daily chores - dishes, laundry, floors, dust rags etc. I am seeing the tools of these chores as not only what we see, but as instruments to further our work for God.

A  West End cove by the Detroit River.
I look at the paring knife in my hand, and think, I am not just cutting a carrot, but I feeding my family. When I sharpen my worn-out pencil - I am using it to draw a work someone will, hopefully, find pleasing to see. I find this to be a good way to focus on everyday work as a more meaningful endeavour.

My girlfriend and I enjoyed our time in the park just walking where we wanted and enjoying the weather and the works of God.

Well, I will sign off for now, but for those who really want to see Canada Geese, here is a picture from a West End Park - by the river!

Have a great day -

Phoebe Brown.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Where's Anna?

Anna, Peter and Adam
In the quiet community of Olde Sandwich, where the refugees of slavery from The United States cross at the Detroit River are welcomed to Canada and freedom by nearby neighbours; some others have come to add confusion and danger.

I hope more people can visit the characters in my book: Under The North Star: The Underground Railroad in Olde Sandwich Towne.

This book can be ordered at: Friesen Press, Amazon, Kobo and other on-line bookstores. It is available in hardcover, paperback and e-book form.

Have a good summer of reading!

Phoebe Brown.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Autism Awareness Day Thursday, April 2

As I have mentioned before in this blog before, my second-born son, Paul is Autistic. Here he is with our dog, Tom.

Paul is thirty-six years now, and was diagnosed at three and a half years, which was early for that time. Before he was diagnosed, he was really a wonder to me. I didn't understand his fears, perseverations, lack of eye contact, and especially his unwillingness to be hugged or even touched.

When the professionals started teaching me the little they knew about autism at that time, questions started to be answered. At that time, the therapists, my oldest son, Bob, and I tried everything to help him with his daily living skills, communication (he still talks very little, and seldom initiates conversation), and developing a daily routine. 

The real truth is, that autism is still a big question mark. 
There have been many studies, and great strides in helping people who are affected, but: 
THERE ARE NO REAL ANSWERS. There is NO definitive cause. There is NO special gene that has been detected as the cause. There IS NO SUPER CURE for autism yet. Each person is an individual, and exhibits different behaviours.

I have a 'pet rock' on my mantel that says "Every day is an adventure". Well this is my life living with someone who is delightfully autistic!

Here is my own sign:


Wear BLUE on Thursday April 2, and have a wonder-filled day!

Phoebe Brown.